Yes. Pre-Porter, House of Luxury is an active supporter against counterfeit. We take the authenticity process very seriously. The products go through our quality control inspection team of experts before being posted online. Please click HERE to read our Authenticity Promise.
We only select luxury products which are categorized as “unwanted gifts”, “new”, “like new”, and “excellent" which would have very faint signs of use. Detailed descriptions will be provided regarding the condition next to every product. Please click HERE to refer to our Condition Chart.
We do not accept returns and refunds however if you wish to resell an item that you have purchased from us we will only take a symbolic fee
We maintain the utmost secrecy of our buyers and sellers
You can always contact us via email at [email protected] or via Instagram @preporterluxury.
Once the order is completed you cannot cancel the order.
Our prices are fixed however we have daily sales.
Prices are determined based on the demand and the condition of the product.
Some items are impossible to find at the store and require a waiting list. Consequently, we might sell certain products at premium prices.
You are welcome to visit any of our physical locations via appointment if you wish to see the item physically. However our photography team takes detailed photos on the website to make sure that our customers have access to the detailed condition of each and every product.
If you have access to our physical stores you may pay and collect the items in person.
Yes, there are. Please “click here” to view our shipping rates.
“Click Here” to view our payment facilities.
"Click Here" to view payment plan options